Diagnostic Category: lint/nursery/useConsistentMemberAccessibility
Since: v1.9.0
Section titled DescriptionRequire consistent accessibility modifiers on class properties and methods.
TypeScript allows placing explicit public
, protected
, and private
accessibility modifiers in front of class members.
The modifiers exist solely in the type system and just serve to describe who is allowed to access those members.
Leaving off accessibility modifiers makes for less code to read and write. Members are public by default.
However, adding in consistent accessibility modifiers can be helpful in codebases with many classes for enforcing proper privacy of members. Some developers also find it preferable for code readability to keep member publicity explicit.
Section titled ExamplesInvalid
Section titled InvalidThe following patterns are considered incorrect code with the default options noPublic
class Animal { public constructor( public breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor this.animalName = name; } public animalName: string; // Property public get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } public set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } public walk() { // method }}
The following patterns are considered incorrect code with the accessibility set to explicit
class Animal { // Constructor is not set accessibility modifier constructor( public breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor this.animalName = name; } private animalName: string; // Property public get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } public set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } protected walk() { // method }}
The following patterns are considered incorrect code with the accessibility set to none
class Animal { constructor( protected breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor = name; } // Property is set accessibility modifier private animalName: string; // Property get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } // set accessor is set accessibility modifier set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } // walk() is set accessibility modifier protected walk() { // method }}
Section titled ValidThe following patterns are considered correct code with the default options noPublic
class Animal { constructor( public breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor this.animalName = name; } private animalName: string; // Property get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } protected walk() { // method }}
The following patterns are considered correct code with the accessibility set to explicit
class Animal { public constructor( public breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor this.animalName = name; } private animalName: string; // Property public get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } public set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } protected walk() { // method }}
The following patterns are considered correct code with the accessibility set to none
class Animal { constructor( breed, name, ) { // Parameter property and constructor = name; } animalName: string; // Property get name(): string { // get accessor return this.animalName; } set name(value: string) { // set accessor this.animalName = value; } walk() { // method }}
Section titled OptionsThe rule supports the following options:
{ "//": "...", "options": { "accessibility": "explicit" }}
Section titled accessibilityThis option determines the required accessibility modifiers on class properties and methods. It can be set to one of the following values:
- forbid the use of public (a safe fix will remove it).explicit
- requires an accessibility modifier for every member that allows that (a safe fix will add public).none
- forbid all accessibility modifiers (public, protected, private).
Default: noPublic
How to configure
Section titled How to configure{ "linter": { "rules": { "nursery": { "useConsistentMemberAccessibility": "error" } } }}